Having just joined the virtual office market since mid-2012, Central Office has chosen its own path, which is to deliver core A value for office services to businesses with quality and affordability. competitive price.

Shared office model helps small businesses get a better position at a lower cost
Online investment consultancy Bizlive has talked with Nguyen Thanh Hung, CEO of the Central Office virtual office leasing company headquartered in Vincom B, Ho Chi Minh City to assess the current state of the tissue. This business image in the present time.
Unique business type
Virtual office model is a form of providing common services such as office address, telephone, fax, answering telephone, conference room ... for many businesses..
Customers using this service do not need to be in the office but can keep in touch with regular partners through the above services..
For many businesses this is a good solution to save money but still create a professional "face" with their partners. Most of the customers using this type of service are small and medium companies.Nguyen Thanh Hung, executive director of Central Office, a provider of virtual office services in HCM City, said: "The type of virtual office leasing in Vietnam will thrive. In the future, the supply from small and medium enterprises and start-ups is huge. ".
- Virtual office has evolved in Vietnam for a time with many businesses joining together, what basis would you open this new business direction? You probably already have a study of the real needs of businesses in Vietnam.
Central Office was founded just over two years, we have been following the market for quite a long time.
Central origins of the Central Office stem from the perceived need of the market, and most businesses now target the low-end segment of Grade B or C buildings..
The "A" virtual office segment has very few providers at the time.
With these comments we have boldly invest in the market in this segment.
- It has been suggested that mid-sized businesses using virtual office services will be a threat to their partners, so the provision of virtual office services in the high-end segment is intended to this customer or a more advanced solution for small and medium enterprises. The effect of this direction is like?
For Grade A, the cost will be higher than Grade B, but the difference is not much, only 20 - 30%, so this would be a good choice for small and medium enterprises because The costs incurred are not high, but are used at higher levels of service.
One point to keep in mind is that nowadays most of our customers are medium-sized importers and exporters, and the need to create a professional image with foreign partners is huge. I choose this direction to bring the best value to customers while still ensuring the cost savings as the true nature of the virtual office model..
It is also said that after more than a year and a half of operation, the Central Office has provided services to about 150 clients, in addition to the small and medium enterprises in Vietnam there are representative offices of companies foreign. For foreign businesses when opening offices in Vietnam are often very focused on their image and class so our direction is quite suitable. - It is known that this type of service has grown quite a lot, about 25 enterprises in Ho Chi Minh City and 6 enterprises in Hanoi. (Regus, i-office, Level 1, G-office ...), this competition makes it difficult for the company's business?
According to our assessment, the potential of this type of business is still very much due to the current new business is very large. However, there are many competitors in the industry. The decisive factor in the competition issue is not the price but the quality of the service as the nature of the virtual office model is to use the service at a low price, so the price difference between The business will not much. The current price in the Central Office is about $ 40 per month, compared with the value given to this customer, the price is not high compared to other providers..

Virtual office reception area provided by the Central Office
We invest heavily in information technology to help our customers stay in control of their jobs remotely. Services such as fax, mail, and phone are automatically delivered to customers immediately after delivery. born. The company has invested very strong server system together with automatic software system to make the management work of customers become simple. In addition, the company's human resources team always make their clients and partners feel that this is truly a real office, not a "virtual" one. These are two factors that help Central Office compete with other businesses.
Sustainable development with customers is a core value There are also some companies that are also providing virtual office services in Grade A such as Central Office such as Regus, i-Office and G-Office. It is difficult to do business with the Central Office?
Currently, despite entering the market later, I think every business will have its strengths. Businesses such as i-Office or G-Office have a strong presence in the market, or Regus is a foreign corporation, so it has capital strengths.
However, Central Office has its own orientation when it comes to joining. into this segment. Central Office by a group of shareholders operating in the field of investment and finance. We have a wide network of connections with hedge funds, export partners, and foreign businesses, thus enabling our customers to connect with other partners, expanding their output. , business cooperation as well as exposure to capital. style="margin: 0px 0px 15px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-size: 16px; font-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; outline-style: none; outline-width: 0px;"> That is the core value that Central Office offers to its customers. Sustainable development with customers is the goal and also the competitive element of Central Office with other businesses.

The business will not take too much cost to have a "professional" face
- Regarding the general state policy mechanism, what activities does this service encounter obstacles? If yes, how to disassemble?
Nowadays, this business model is accepted by the Department of Planning and Investment and the tax office. Therefore, there is no difficulty in the business. Inspection procedures of the authorities are the same as the normal business registration such as business licenses, office lease contracts, business records…
- It has also been suggested that this model also has a loophole that makes it more or less difficult for regulatory authorities, for example, enterprises register their addresses to be granted business licenses, then have left the business. Licenses such as the purchase of invoices, smuggling ... How this affects the virtual office rental units like?
There have been some cases where businesses have been illegitimate, and there have been some problems with the debt or regulatory inspections. Coordinate and thoroughly deal with these with the authorities because each contract with customers has detailed information about the business. We are just an office rental service provider so there is no problem in solving the problem.
- With the virtual office business model, office sharing, business performance of the Central Office now like? The current revenue has guaranteed the payback and have no words sir?
Currently, the "share office" service is the main source of revenue to maintain the monthly operating costs of the Central Office, with this type of office space now fully occupied and unique. maintain stability. With the virtual office business model, this is the basis for business operations. In addition, the type of "virtual office" service brings increased revenue. As far as I know, this business model must calculate based on two sources of revenue to ensure operation. If only virtual office business alone, it will be very difficult to maintain when the cost of renting our premises in Vincom amount to tens of thousands of dollars per month, while the revenue from the virtual office if compared is really not much.
- He predicts that in the future, this service activity will thrive in Vietnam, so how does the company prepare for such a development??
As we said, we aim not only as a virtual office service provider, we want to create a business community model that supports and collaborates with each other like Business Network International (BNI) to develop stable and sustainable. The desire of the Central Office is that customers will have more opportunities for investment, business, and development. Since then, Central Office will also grow stronger with its customers.